Banks & Financing

Banks & Financing

Will Real Estate be Affected by the Government Shutdown?

The Government Shutdown may affect Real Estate over the coming weeks. Perhaps not market values, but existing transactions, and buyers looking to make offers.  Being ...
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Banks & Financing

203K Loans and buying RI Real Estate: 5 Things to Know

  What is a 203K Loan? An FHA 203k Loan is a rehab loan backed by the Federal Housing Authority. It allows home buyers to ...
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Banks & Financing

5 Ways the Fiscal Cliff has/will/may affect Your Real Estate Decisions

The ball at Time Square wasn’t the only thing that dropped last night.  The US economy took a cliff dive thanks to our elected officials ...
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Banks & Financing

FHA Loans Demystified – 10 Useful Tips for Borrowers and Homeowners Alike

As a Rhode Island real estate agent who has recently navigated both ends of FHA backed transactions, I can personally attest to the fact that ...
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Banks & Financing

To Rent or To Buy Newport RI Home or Condo?

To Buy or To Rent? A tool to help you decide. Many factors enter into the decision to rent or buy a RI home including ...
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Banks & Financing

Unanswerable Real Estate Questions & Hopeful Thoughts about “The Bottom”

Punxsutawney Phil – Correct 40% of the Time “Is this the bottom?” the buyer asked. “Yes.” I replied. “Yes, it is, and there will be ...
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Banks & Financing

Rhode Island Home Buyers, WHAT are You Waiting For?

It’s easy to feel negative about Rhode Island’s real estate market when all you hear is bad news.  “Houses are not selling,” “There are no ...
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